A Few Months Back;
we took fleeting interest in a summary (criminal) case (as observers), being heard in the District Court.
The case concerned a Man facing no less than eight (8) charges under various Road Traffic Acts.
Sufficed to say, the case was eventually dismissed and ALL charges therein swiftly were dropped,
much to the bewilderment and frustration of An Garda Siochana, the DPP and the State.
How to Cross Examine …
Although the charges being put forward by the Prosecution were quite mundane and uninteresting
the manner in which the Defence was conducted was quite refreshingly intriguing. As observers we
got quite an insight and education in how to conduct a Defence in such related matters. Since then
we have complied copious amounts of notes about this case, and have interviewed the Man himself.
Because we gave him a certain insight and some guidance in his early days, he has agreed that we
can co-script a book with him concerning his adventure in the District Court.
Obviously we directed him to read and research a thing called a "Gary Doyle Order", and we have
written an article on this item here: http://www.thecommonlawsociety.com/must_see/WhatYouDontKnow.pdf
We also directed the Man to read critically ALL of the Acts in relation to the charges being brought
against him. We gave him some direction on how to conduct his Cross Examination, and explained
how important it was to find just ONE LIE in the Garda's testimony and or statement. The Man went
on to study everything that we suggested, leaving absolutely NO stone unturned, and subsequently
went on to find not just ONE LIE, but numerous lies, contradictions and anomalies by the Garda concerned.
He also went on to uncover some highly contentious issues surrounding the actual legality and lawfulness
of and concerning the Road Traffic Acts themselves, the Court Processes and Procedures, and the acts,
behaviours and omissions of the Judiciary themselves.
At the First hearing the Man (Defendant) spent three (3) full hours Cross Examining the Garda concerned,
and had notes and questions sufficiently prepared to continue for a further nine (9) or so hours. After the
first three (3) hours, the Garda and pretty much the Judge were exasperated, so the Judge adjourned the
hearing for another date and time. Five minutes or so into the Second hearing, the Judge began to realise
where all this was heading, and decided quite abruptly to Dismiss the case and ALL charges therein.
Although we were happy for the Man, we knew that Justice had not been served.
The problem the Judge faced; whether or not the Garda realised it, the Man (Defendant) was leading the
Garda himself to a place, with his questioning, whereby the whole legal and lawful validity of the Road
Traffic Acts, and the alleged authority of An Garda Siochana to enforce said Acts would be in question.
The Judge knew it, the Man knew it, the attending audience knew it, but the Garda and his attending
Inspector had no idea what was going on, and were stunned, shocked and amazed when the Judge struck
the whole case out without explanation.
Suffice to say, there was NO PRESS in attendance in Court on that day.
That day we saw, heard and got "First Hand Knowledge" of how fragile and frail this whole patchwork quilt
of legality was and still is. One case could in effect bring this whole legal façade tumbling down. More to
the point, what we took from that particular day, was that ANY MAN or ANY WOMAN, with enough Time,
Study, Knowledge & Confidence can work miracles, even under the most strained & pressurised of circumstances.
Once is enough to bring this whole mess down.
As we stated earlier, this Man has agreed to co-script a book with us, with a view to shining a very bright
light upon a specific number of issues surrounding the State, and the way they go about extracting revenue
from, and persecuting People in the Courts in relation to the Road Traffic Acts and other related summary issues.
This book also aims to clarify some of the interdependent relationships that exist between legality, the Law,
the People, the Citizens, the Freemen and Sovereign perspectives and philosophies in relation to same. It is
a non-partisan view on what happens within the Court system, and what you can do to protect yourself, no
matter what perspective you come from. Our aim would be, to have this next book in print prior to Christmas …
we have provisionally titled the book "The Gary Doyle Order". We will update you all in relation to this pretty soon.
Sometimes we share this analogy:
Some People go into Court trying to play a game of "Snakes and Ladders" or even "Drafts", when in reality
the game being played in Court is generally more akin to that of a game of Chess, or the Chinese strategy
game called "Go". If you are playing "Snakes and Ladders" and the Court is playing "Chess", then as far as
the Court are concerned, you are not playing the game by the rules, and you will deemed to be breaking
the rules and are in Contempt of the game. Therefore you will go to "Time Out" / Prison, until such time
passes that you agree to play by the rules again, or purge your alleged contempt. If you do not agree to
purge your alleged contempt, then as far as the game is concerned you will have to stay in "Time out" /
Prison, which in effect is a life sentence.
Some of the best lessons are the toughest.
What if you find yourself in "Time Out"? There is very little that you can do to change things yourself.
The People on the side-lines or that are not in "Time Out", can of course direct the Court to bring you
forward again, to readdress any perceived wrongs or breaches. But unless you are prepared to agree
to play by their rules, or purge the alleged contempt, then you will go back into "Time Out".
Remember: That choice always remains yours.
My preference would be, circumstance depending of course;
to seek to purge any perceived or alleged contempt. That way, my Partner is far less annoyed with me,
and my Family and Friends are far less perturbed about my circumstances and conditions. It also means
more time with the books, and being in a more comfortable setting to research the law, & less time being
locked away in a cold cell, and being isolated from a support structure.
On another note … some really great news to share:
In recent weeks we have had a massive success in the High Courts, whereby a Judge has found AGAINST
a Bank as the Plaintiff, & for and in favour of a MAN as the Defendant, whose home the Bank were attempting
to steal. The initial Order for Possession was Struck Out on appeal, and the Bank walked away with their tail
between their legs. The Judge also found that the Bank and their agents had Misrepresented (lied) the facts,
and did bring the Court into Disrepute. The Bank LIED about assigning/selling/securitizing the Mortgage/Contract.
A Win is a Win …
In relation to the above notes … The Common Law Society will be facilitating a one day School of Commonology,
which aims to examine these issues and matters. In both cases, "the wins", came down to the ability of the People
involved; being able to Critically examine and study the law, submit appropriate legal paperwork, and being in a
position to confidently prepare and Cross Examine the Plaintiff or the Accuser. Obviously we would love to share
this information and education with as many People as possible.
Brief Outline of Day:
The areas that we would aim to deal with on the day are as follows: Dealing with Summons,
Appearances, Defences, Affidavits & Statements/Endorsements of Claim, Addressing the
Court, Adjourning, Getting Information, Presenting a Case, Discovery, Motions and Effective
Cross Examination.
For more information and advanced booking of this one day
School of Commonology, go to : www.CrossExam.eventbrite.com/
For your further enjoyment and entertainment.
Recently we were interviewed by John of Alchemy Radio, about the book www.IrishLifeAndMe.com/
The interview is over an hour, so get the Tea on and Bikkies open, sit back & relax : http://youtu.be/bYpvMBw8UUg
Our next Radio interview will be with Phoenix FM (a Dublin local radio)…
at 10.30am of Friday 11th. October (Live). You can tune-in online at:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/D15Fridays | website: www.phoenixfm.ie/
FINALLY: We will be in Wexford this Saturday (12th. October 2013), at Coolcotts Community Centre,
Clonard, Wexford, from 11am, to discuss matters relating to Irish Life And Me (the book), An ATT
(an update), and to answer questions in relation to Civil matters/issues that you might be concerned
with. We would ask that those People that have supported and attended the recent talks/meetings in
both Cork and Roscommon attend this even also. We are building a fantastic momentum in relation
to getting this knowledge and information disseminated to the People, and would like all events and
talks of this sort to be well attended, and the information therein shared with everyone on the Island.
We will also be debriefing you all a on a legal mortgage solution ...
The very best for now.
Des: of The CLS : ¬ )
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